報告一: On Obata type rigidity theorems on manifolds with boundary(帶邊流形上Obata類型的剛性定理)
摘要: In this talk, I will report some recent progress on Obata type (\nabla^2 f+\varphi(f)g=0) rigidity theorems for manifolds with boundary.
This is a joint work with Xuzhang Chen and Fang Wang.
報告人: 來米加
時間: 2018.4.18(周三),13:30-15:00.
報告人簡介: 來米加, 上海交大特別研究員, 博導,2006年北大學士, 2011年愛荷華大學博士. 研究領域: 幾何偏微分方程和幾何分析。
報告二: Fake Spherical Tilings(假的球面鋪磚問題)
摘要: In this talk, we will talk about spherical polyhedral surfaces whose faces are isometric to spherical regular polygons in the unit sphere.
Besides spherical tilings, we consider spherical polyhedral surfaces with curvature at least one in the sense of Alexandrov. We show that
the volume of such a surface is less than 4pi-c, for some explicit constant c>0. This is a joint work with Yohji Akama and Yanhui Su.
報告人: 華波波
時間: 2018.4.18(周三),15:00-16:30.
報告人簡介: 華波波, 復旦副研究員, 博導, 2005年上海交大學士, 2010年復旦博士, 2011-2014年德國Max-Planck博後。
研究領域: 圖和度量空間分析